I recently read two articles and was so moved by them that I felt inspired to provide feedback here on this blog! And not just written feedback, oh no—video feedback. 

In reality, this was actually kind of fun. It brought me back to the days of frolicking around the farm with an actual camera (because what was an “iPhone”?), pretending to be an adventure vlogger who climbed mountains and stuff and not just. . . piles of corn. 

Anyway, without further ado, here are my thoughts. (Now in color!)

If either of these two sources piqued your interest, do yourself a favor and read them! The Wait But Why article by Tim Urban can be found here, and the Marc Andreessen article(s) can be found here

Normally this is where I’d ask for your feedback, but since I went out on a vulnerability limb and posted a video, instead of easily-hide-behind-able words on paper, you’re going to have to do something equally vulnerable. Also send a video? Get a tattoo of my face on your arm? That might be extreme but I’m definitely expecting something

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