How Does One Habit

Is it easier to build up a new habit, or to break an old one? 

Are these completely separate events, or does one lead to the other? 

I’ve been trying to get to bed at a decent time this week, and so far that’s gone horrendously. I’ve had such an inconsistent sleep schedule for so long that I seem to be quite unable to force myself to get to bed any earlier.

At the same time, however, I’ve kept up daily blogging and Russian-practicing. So I know I’m capable of some consistency. How do you channel that into less-exciting tasks like going to bed at 11pm?

Maybe there’s a mindset shift that needs to happen—instead of focusing on not going to bed at 2am, focus on waking up at 6am every morning. Instead of trying to break an old habit, try to build a new one. 

My focus has been on breaking the habit of going to bed late, instead of placing the emphasis on building a new habit of waking up at an appropriate time.

I’ll try it out the rest of this week and see how it goes. And then let you, my avid readership, know if it works. Thank you and goodnight.  

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