I wrote this at 3am last night, which was almost exactly 24 hours after I woke up, but I fell asleep before I actually posted it. I’m posting it now and it’s going to dang count for yesterday.

If you don’t have friends who’ll show up at your house at 11pm to wait for half an hour for you to wake up from your mini-coma on the couch before hanging out and talking until 3 o’clock in the morning, I highly recommend investing in one.

Those kinds of friends are the good ones.

Especially when you can make the same dumb jokes from when you were 12, give really bad advice to the next generation, and spend an embarrassingly long time trying to remember someone from six years ago who you’ve both mostly forgotten but succeed in remembering thanks to the limitless, terrifying power of technology and social media.

Making new friends is absolutely recommended.

Expanding your network and diversifying your social investments, also recommended.

Growing as a person, maturing, embracing adulthood—absolutely recommended.

Definitely do these things in your lifetime.

Sometimes, however, being with old friends, embracing your inner 12-year-old, and just laughing for an evening is also absolutely recommended.

Be happy, be balanced (but also an adult who gets their stuff done, that’s an important piece, too).

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