The Start Of Something New (Again)

Hello hello and happy March!

I’ve been looking forward to March since last November when I did the math and discovered that March would be the Praxis writing month. I love writing, but I’ve wanted to do something intentional to hone my skills for a long time now, and this is such an opportunity. 

What kind of content can you expect over the next 30 days? That’s a good question. My theme for life these days has pretty much been “I’ll figure it out as I go.”

However, I don’t want to let this opportunity to be intentional to go to waste. I have quite a few ideas for themes for the month, and I’m pretty torn between them.

My original plan for the month (way back in November) was to finally articulate all the thoughts and ideas that have been floating around my head since forever. It would be really consistently insightful, mind-blowing stuff, you know? Obviously. Because what other kinds of things could possibly come out of my brain? (Please don’t answer that.)

This past week I was challenged to devote this month to writing to create excitement around a product, event, or other thing in my life that I’m excited about, and/or to read and reflect on a new piece of content each day—breaking down what I found valuable with the goal of passing that on to others. 

I’ve got a couple of other ideas percolating right now, so it’s safe to say that I haven’t made a final decision yet. However! I think the whole point of this whole thing is to document my learning and growth journey, so that’s why I’ve chosen to be transparent about where I’m at in the decision making process right now. 

I will have a final decision made in the near future and will dang well have a post to prove it. 

I’m excited for this month! It’s going to be hard, but good. Stick around and maybe you’ll learn something, too! (At least learn from my mistakes because Lord knows they’ll be plenty of learning opportunities to choose from.) 

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