Remember my sister?

The one who gave me a better title for the post about what it’s like to be on a road trip with a large family crammed into one vehicle?

She also gave me this title.

We had just finished up filming a video, and I was elated to be done until I realized I hadn’t written a post yet for today. So I said something along the lines of, “Oh no, I still have to do my blog post.”

However, because sometimes I’m (charmingly) melodramatic, I pronounced it as “bahhh-lawg post.”

To this she responded, “Bo-log-na post? You should name it that.”

And thus, this was born.

Why were we even filming a video in the first place? It’s complicated. But you’ll see soon enough.

Our process might be slightly-less-than-professional, but we sure know how to have a good time together. Plus, she gets paid for her help in McDonald’s and pizza rolls—both of which have a magical way of bringing out the best in high schoolers everywhere.

Having someone who you can laugh and joke and have fun with, even while doing work that’s serious, is a true blessing. In fact, I think it makes the serious stuff even better, because you’re at ease and more natural. All the good stuff is able to flow freely instead of being (as) forced and awkward.

Plus, getting over super awkward learning curves is so much better when you can be made fun of in complete love by your adoring siblings.

Plus plus, getting school/work stuff done with the help of a family member counts as getting stuff done and spending some quality time together.

If you have the ability to spend some time with a sibling (or other family member or friend or anyone else who you love and trust and would like to spend time with) by roping them into a project, do it. I can almost (but not quite) guarantee that you’ll have a blast.

Even if you don’t, you’ll still get pizza rolls out of the deal. Either way you win!

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