This week, at work:

What I’ve been creating: 

1. Event logistics

The event is a one day deep-dive into the US market. I’ve been working on getting things in order for it for the past couple weeks. This week entailed sending the program agenda out to and finalizing other details with everyone involved—speakers, participants, and spokespeople from the spaces we’ll be using.

2. Hubspot triggers and filters

Every week I learn more about how Hubspot can be used to make your processes more efficient and effective.

This week I helped make a workaround for an issue that we had run into between Hubspot’s capabilities and what we actually needed to have it do.

3. A birthday party

Tuesday was a special day because not only did I move (again), and my family left me for Minnesota (sadness), but it was also the birthday of Hapday principal, Rob Napoli.

We celebrated by having our team lunch on Tuesday instead of Friday, but also by throwing a surprise mini-party during a break at Startup Boost (the pre-seed accelerator we’re all working on) later that evening.

There was cheesecake, fancy little Italian desserts, and some very on-brand streamers. It was fun celebrating (and I got to buy party supplies, so it was quite the win in my book).

What I’ve been learning:

1. What goes into a good panel discussion. I will be moderating one of the panels during the upcoming event, so last week I learned about creating good questions.

2. That it’s harder to remember what I’ve learned when I don’t write it down every day. Up until this point I’ve been really intentional about tracking what I do/learn every day to make it easier to reference in the future. This week, though, I just didn’t do it. I don’t know if I just forgot, or if I thought I’d remember all on my own, but I definitely regret that decision. Lesson learned—tracking will be reinstated this week!

This week in New York City!

Other than still enjoying the tail end of my mom and sister’s visit, I didn’t do much in terms of NYC exploration. I started getting sick the evening my family left, so the rest of the week I tried to take it easy.

Oh, I moved twice! Only one more transition and I will be in my very own apartment this very week. I’ve enjoyed this nomadic period, but I really am excited to have a space to call my own.

This week in Praxis!

Due to my family being in town, I didn’t attend the Praxis Monday workshop. However, I did my weekly dose of Praxis this weekend during a fun little Praxis meetup in Philadelphia!

It was great meeting some people from my own cohort, reconnecting with others, and hearing about what everybody is doing in their own respective apprenticeships.

I’m really thankful for the people of Praxis during this time of learning, growth, and being-stretched-ness. It’s encouraging to know that there’s a community of people going through similar experiences at the same exact time. And it’s nice having a group of built-in friends to explore new cities with.

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